Winter Parking Ban

November 9, 2023

75-33 Winter Parking

Parking vehicles upon any street in the Town for more than one hour between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. each day during the period commencing November 1 of each year and ending April 1 of the following year is hereby prohibited except in the case of emergency.

75-27 Interference with snow removal and ice control

No vehicle shall be parked or left unattended at any time on any public street so as to prevent the removal of snow from such street by the Town’s plowing equipment or loading and hauling of snow from such streets or the sanding or salting of such street by the Town’s sanding and salting equipment. Any police officer or Department of Public Works employee may cause any vehicle so parked on any street to be moved and placed in a suitable parking space off the street, at the expense of the owner of such vehicle, and without the Town being liable for any damage that may be caused by such removal. For the purpose of facilitating the removal of such snow, the Public Works Director and/or the Chief of Police may cause to be placed properly marked signs along any street, as he shall from time to time deem necessary. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to enter, stop, or park within the spaces indicated by such signs after the placing of said signs.

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